Monday, December 14, 2009

Scott Thinks She Can Dance

If you're hip on pop culture, you know that the dancing version of American Idol is called "So You Think You Can Dance". Also known as 'SYTYCD'. Tuesday night is this season's FINALE show to decide the winner, December 15, 2009 at 8 pm (EST and PST) on FOX. At home, we all watch this show religiously because Simon is into dancing big time, and it's just very uplifting and entertaining. The choreography is often original and the dancing is often spectacular. Remarkably, a 19 year old woman from Simon's own dance studio ("Dancenter") here in Capitola, California has made the finals! Her name is Ellenore Scott. We are of course rooting for her to win! But we need your help. Your job is to watch the show, find out what number number to dial to vote for her (it will be toll free, something like 1-888-836-76XX) , and then dial that number when the show ends, and then keep hitting redial for the next two hours. That's right. Pile on. There are 5 other finalists and it's going to be a tough race. But if Springfield Vermont can win the National "Home of the Simpsons" beauty (?) contest, Ellenore can win this one! If you know me, you know I can't dance a lick, but Ellenore sure can. Please tune in, enjoy a great show, and vote for your favorite dancer (ahem, Ellenore!). Thanks!

pic - Ellenore is kneeling in the back row, second from the left. The Dancenter Director, Ruth Fisher, is second from the right. (source: Santa Cruz Sentinel)

pic - Ellenore at Dancenter at age 13, is in the far lower left. (source:

Here's Ellenore's solo at the Las Vegas audition. ENJOY!

Here are some articles, pics and links with short bios, videos and links to her own website.


Santa Cruz Sentinel by Wallace Baine don't forget to tune in and VOTE FOR ELLENORE!
(thanks again and happy holidays!)