Monday, October 8, 2007


Week ending Oct 7: (to enter)
Power of Sound talk by Joshua Leeds.
Global Warming 5K with Mav Krull.
Tapping ducklings audition and selection.
Evans-Eddy Wedding and Reception.
Stop Light Camera Ticket.
Beu in NO.
'The Fourth Hand' reading complete.
EV truck for sale.
Mama and Bear in SoCal.
' ' 'Ghost Rider' 'Believe In Me' 'Flushed Away'
Reading Stargirl. Prince of Tides.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Tahoe, squirrels, cars and stargirls - week ending Friday Sept 28, 2007

It rained one day. Lost gambling. Lost a mini-golf game. But had a real good relaxing time and surprising escapades on the drive ... Here I am smiling at the camera at Emerald Bay (aka Eagle Bay). Does this shirt make me look fat?

Car stuff: Smogged the Sable. Couldn't sell the Rabbit. Fixed a nail in the Prius tire. Jeep needs a bike rack ... still. Thinking of buying an EV light pickup Mighty Max from Matt in Capitola.

The Squirrel Incident: Baby squirrel that lived under the solar panels on the roof fell off the roof and landed right next to me(!) He ran into the house to escape (!) Chased him into back yard but he couldn't climb the fence or trees. Jeremi and I cornered him and trapped him. Mama let him escape (ARRGH! I freaked out. Not good.) Finally they caught him again and we took him to 1855 17th Ave, Native Animal Rescue center. The woman who casually took him out of the box with a hand towel seemed to be from another realm. Woa.

Simon's reading Stargirl to me at night. I read him a chapter last night in my 'Indian' accent and he was cracking up. Funny stuff. I'm listening to "The Fourth Hand" by John Irving on my commute now. Good book and getting better. Irving is just so full of imagination and his writing is clever but easy. He's Tom Robbins without the acid.

Next week: Tapping ducklings audition. Global Warming 5K. Power of Sound. Evans-Eddy Wedding.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Joined as a friend of Mike Chopey today. This should be fun. links to follow...

Definition of Globalization

My title at work is "Globalization Program Manager". Really it means I work to make our software 'ready for the global market' by i18n enabling, l10n localizing and translating it, and r13n creating regionalization (region/country-specific) features. But we also offshore most of our work to lowcost centers in Dublin, Ireland and Bangalore, India. So in every sense, it's what I do. Sigh. This is trite but applicable. What can I say?
Finally, a definition of globalization I can understand:
Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
Answer: An English princesswith an Egyptian boyfriendcrashes in a French tunnel,driving a German carwith a Dutch engine,driven by a Belgianwho was drunk on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you changethe spelling),followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,on Japanese motorcycles;treated by an American doctor,using Brazilian medicines.This is sent to you by a great Dane,using Bill Gates's technology,and you're probably reading this on your computer,that uses Taiwanese chipand a Korean monitor,assembled by Bangladeshi workersin a Singapore plant,transported by Indian lorry-drivers,hijacked by Indonesians,unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.....That, my friends, is Globalization!

Monday, September 17, 2007

FloBlog Returns!

I started blogging on Yahoo! about 5 months ago. I hated the editor and limited settings and also ran into an, ahem, interesting series of issues related to people finding my blog entries that were supposed to be, ummm, private. So enough of that, and I will restart here on Google's I plan to copy my Yahoo! blog content over here, if this goes well...
This will be in a diary-type format. The blog is for me, but if anyone wants to RSS feed me or comment go right ahead.

Sept 17, 2007 - Monday -

Book Review of "Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie" by Jordan Sonnenblick. - About a normal 8th grade boy growing up, liking girls, playing drums, angsting out when his little bro gets leukemia. His life and family 'falls apart' (but not really. not at all. he has no idea what real tragedy is.) and he deals with it. Supported by not one but two girls seeking his attention, the entire school faculty and an 'all-star' band, he's not really hurting that bad after. But the book is touching, the characters and dialog real, it's not a Disney ending and it made me cry. It doesn't take much to make me cry. I highly recommend this book. Simon's teacher recommended it to him - for obvious reasons. Thank You Ms. Jue!

Movie Review "Buy The Ticket. Take The Ride." - great little documentary about Hunter S. Thompson that will make you want to go travel, write like gonzo, and gain some semblance of 'personal freedom'. Must viewing for all of us members of the 'doomed generation'. 4.0 / 5.0

Movie Review "Blades of Glory" - Will Ferrel and the Napolean Dynamite guy. Yawn. Slightly homophobic. Yawn again. 2.5 / 5.0

Beuford and Matt with brave faces, full of Bud Lite at a brutal 1 run Fenway loss to the Evil Empire. Brah!

Like the Police font?!
How would you describe color to a blind person?
How would you describe life to a not yet born person?